Monday, July 30, 2012

The Watch

Low expectations make for a great time at the movies

Just part of the Watch

2012, Sci-Fi/Comedy, Rated R
Distributed by 20th Century Fox

          Walking into a theater with low expectations can make a mediocre film seem great. I remember it happening to me when I saw The Mist back in 2007. I thought that movie was going to be lame (a horror movie in which the antagonist is precipitation?) but saw it all the same. It turned out to be pretty awesome and I believe my low expectations caused me to enjoy it even more. The Watch, starring Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, and Jonah Hill looked like a flop before it even came out. The repetitive trailers and confusing sci-fi and/or comedy premise made it look flimsy and unfunny. But the result is actually a hilarious time at the movies.
          The problem with this picture is its comedy/sci-fi combination. Although the aliens in The Watch look better than those in some serious sci-fi, it's not an all-out alien invasion movie. And with aliens running about you can't really get too in depth in any character development. So no, The Watch isn't a "good" movie. It won't win any awards. But if you think the lead actors are funny, prepare to laugh out loud through the entire film. The whole thing is one improv scene after another. All the jokes have nothing to do with the story but are hilarious when delivered by these actors.
          Vince Vaughn is less annoying than he usually is because he has free-range here: The Watch is rated R and very raunchy indeed. Almost every joke is inappropriate in some way but you can't help but laugh. Don't be fooled by Ben Stiller's restrained character, everyone else acts like a maniac. Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and Richard Ayoade all play eccentric individuals who join "the watch" for various reasons. They are all interesting enough to keep the film fresh for its short run time. Will Forte has a small but hysterical role as a cop.
          If you liked films such as Ghostbuster, Evolution, or Paul, this movie could be for you. It doesn't have a terrific story but the gags are hilarious and each actor delivers a solid performance. If you feel like laughing at mindless, not to mention raunchy, jokes for two hours you could do much worse than The Watch. Although I will say it is a bit underwhelming in a summer of epic action films, so wait for it on DVD.

          Side note: The least likable character ends up being Ben Stiller's. I thought Vince Vaughn would be unbearable but he's funny enough. It's Stiller's character that makes him so unfunny. He's the anchor for the rest of them. And the rest of them are hilariously out of control.

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